October 3, 2012


What do you do to prepare for the first frost of the season?  It always happens where there is still fruit on the vine, literally.  And it usually sneaks up on me.  Like today, I was driving home from work listening to the radio.  They did their 30 second weather and traffic update and said "low-lying areas can expect frost early tomorrow morning."  What?!  Already?!  I'm so not ready!

So, I came home and asked Farmer Jeb and Jordan to help me out in the garden.  Jordan picked all the tomatoes with any pink or orange tint.  Then we put large black garbage bags over the remaining plants.  Finally, we picked all the ripe green peppers.

Now the counter is covered in bowls of tomatoes and green peppers.  I'll leave the tomatoes to ripen and then put them in the freezer as they do.  Waiting until the day we have enough to make sauce.  The green peppers I'll chop and freeze.

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